The Church of the Redemption is the Sponsoring Organization for Troop 577 and Cub Pack 577 of Scouting BSA. The Cub Pack is adult-led for children ages 6-11 (K-5th grade), and the Troop provides a Scout-led (and Adult-guided) program for youth ages 12-18. They share Scouting BSA’s goal “to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.”
Pack 577 meets monthly during school months for an hour at 1401 Towson Street or at another nearby location. Our goal is to train youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and self-reliance through participation in a wide range of activities and educational programs. Our program instills typical Scouting values such as trustworthiness, good citizenship, and outdoor skills. The Pack is organized by age into “Dens” which meet more regularly for age-appropriate programming, fun, and cheers. Pack 577 is excited to welcome girls into all our Dens. More information regarding our Pack can be found on Facebook and our New Member Packet.
Troop 577 meets weekly during school months for an hour at 1401 Towson Street or at another nearby location. The troop is scout-led, meaning that our scouts apply their skills to lead themselves, following the “patrol method,” wherein scouts learn to depend upon each other and be accountable for their success in the program. At least two adults are always present to provide guidance and ensure safety. Get more information on Troop 577 by emailing
How to sign up: Go to Choose ‘Cub Scouts’ or ‘Boy Scouts’ and use your Zip Code to choose Pack 577. We will receive a notification, and onboard your family into our Pack or Troop!
1401 Towson Street, Baltimore, MD 21230